Vendor Signature Little Ones Inc. is a leader when it comes to personalized items. They offer personalized onesies, birthday outfits, blankets, pillows, baptismal sleepers, bibs, etc...if you can personalize you can bet that they do it! This Canadian (Ontario) home based business knows what's hot, what's in, what's new and offer all of it with only the best quality to their ... Read the Post
No dress rehearsal, this is our life!
It doesn't really matter how old you are, what kind of music you like or where in Canada you live because chances are, is that you know the music of The Tragically Hip and are familiar with the poetic lyrics of frontman Gord Downie. The Hip is as Canadian as hockey and maple syrup and so when we learned about Gord Downie's glioblastoma diagnoses...a incurable form of brain cancer we all couldn't ... Read the Post
Heartbroken, disgusted & sick!
Monday morning, up bright and early and the first thing I read on social media is about a fatal car crash that happened yesterday where a grandfather (65 years old) and all 3 of his grandchildren (9, 5 and 2 years of age) have died. WOW! What the hell do you say to that? Wait it get's better...the whole thing could have been avoided...yup you read correctly, AVOIDED! Drunk driving cost the lives ... Read the Post