
Screaming is the new SEXY

I don't know about you but it's just after 9pm and my head is about to explode. It's also Saturday which means that I've been up with the kids since 7am and spent the whole day at dance with them (thank God that today was the last of classes). I'm exhausted, I'm drained, I just want them to listen and go to bed! As for dinner, I gave up on trying to get them to finish. Needless to say, I'm fuckin ... Read the Post

Feeding the family…

Your alarm goes off and it's time to start another day...but not just an ordinary day. Because let's get real, that doesn't happen when you're a mom and you have kids to take care of! Your day constantly revolves around the little people who follow you around calling you "Mamma" from morning to night. Oh boy, has life changed since becoming a mom! Things that weren't important to us before are ... Read the Post

Because Kids Can’t Wait

Guest Blog Written By: Kim Moran, CEO of Children’s Mental Health Ontario. Jan. 31, Bell Let’s Talk, is an important day for all of us impacted by mental health. It will be a busy day with many people sharing their experiences in public forums. But there is one voice we are not likely to hear above all others – it’s the voice of Ontario’s children. That is why I’m asking all of you to raise ... Read the Post

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