Tax season is upon us and I hate it, especially this year being on mat leave. Yeah, I know, we here in Canada have it better than our friends to the south of us but I don't care I'm still gonna bitch haha. It's already crappy enough with trying to survive on mat leave pay, which at the very most in Ontario is $822 bi-weekly (seriously how can anyone live off that?). Some of us are lucky because we ... Read the Post
Birth to 12 years in 2 min 45 sec
I came across this video done by Frans Hofmeester in The Netherlands and absolutely love it! Basically he filmed his daughter every week from birth to the age of 12 and this is the final result. What a great concept...wonder if it's too late to start with one for Samantha! Take a look... Lotte Time Lapse: Birth to 12 years in 2 min. 45. from Frans Hofmeester on Vimeo. Have you ... Read the Post
Gotta Love Husbands LOL
Yesterday my sister posted this little story/joke in the Yummy Mummies facebook group and let's just say it got a lot of reaction haha! I'm sure all you mummies out there have experienced this and I'm sure it's made your blood boil hahaha! Gotta love our clueless husbands for this! Grab yourself a glass of wine, sit back and enjoy! A man came home from work and found his three children ... Read the Post