
Tasty Tuesdays ~ Soup’s On: Ladling Out Some Italian Classics

Guest Blog Written By: Jenny Arena from Fables and Focaccia Whether thick and hearty, clear and light or pureed and silky, nothing says comfort on a cold day like a bowl of piping hot soup. Translated from the Latin suppa meaning "bread soaked in broth", this restorative dish has been in existence since 6000 BC. A global staple, the word soup has even evolved into a figure of speech, for ... Read the Post

Tasty Tuesdays ~ Mama Dukes Chicken Soup

Guest Blog Written By: Ashley Machado from The Mutts Kitchen "Querida filha, vavo fez sopigna . Quez comer a sopigna da vavo?" When visiting my grandparents, I would not give up a bowl of soup. It was the most heavenly soul food one could ask for. I remember my siblings being grossed out by the chicken feet, but not me. My grandmother would love watching me enjoy ever bit and sip. My ... Read the Post

Making Back 2 School Lunch Time Fun!

It's crunch time, the clock's are ticking and before you know it the new school year will be here. I'm a newbie at this as my little Sammy Baby isn't so little anymore, she'll be starting JK and I'm pretty much what you call a HOT MESS haha. It's exciting, fun, sad and most of all scary...but probably more for me than her. As I sit here with my to do list of things I need to buy, prepare and ... Read the Post

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