
Music Monday with Roddy Colmer

It's Monday and I was thinking about trying something new on the blog and so I thought why not incorporate something I love and that is a huge part of my life...MUSIC! I'm constantly listening to it whether I'm at home working, cooking, in the shower, getting dressed or driving around. I love discovering new bands, checking out live shows and of course sharing my faves with my friends. So I ... Read the Post

Shit ass days…

If only we could wake up every morning feeling awesome and with a big smile on our faces. It would be amazing but let's get real, that shit doesn't happen. We have our good days and we have our not so good days or as I like to call them "shit ass days". Yesterday I woke up in a funk and was totally having a "shit ass day". Now the thing that sucks the most about being a parent and having one of ... Read the Post

I Am Who I Am…

It's been a while since I took a moment to stop and introduce myself. Many of you have been here before and are familiar with the craziness that is me, but for those of you who may be new I thought it would be a good time to say hello and share a bit about myself. You ready? Here goes! So who is Chic Mamma aka Pina Crispo? Well, here's the run down along with some fun facts. ♥ I'm the ... Read the Post

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