
You’re Doing a Good Job Mamma

This viral video has been going around and I think it's something that every Mamma out there should take a moment to watch. Being a Mamma isn't easy (we all know that) and there are many days that we just want to throw in the towel. We are constantly being pressured to be the best we can be and we focus on that so much that we don't stop to see what's really going on around us. We feel bad, ... Read the Post

It’s time to put the phone away!

Like many people out there, I rely too much on my phone and am constantly on it! My husband even jokes that I sleep with it or that it's attached to me 24/7. When you think about it, it's pretty sad actually :(. Well, just the other day I came across something on facebook and man did it ever open my eyes! It's time to reevaluate and REALLY look at what is important in children and my ... Read the Post

Mom’s vs the TTC

Guest Blog Written By Yummy Mummy: Michelle Stockwell When the recent news broke of a mother allegedly being harassed by a TTC employer the other day, I was sadly, not surprised. I was also not surprised when people began to support the TTC driver’s alleged comments. My husband and I made the decision to live in the city a number of years ago, and with that, came some lifestyle choices. ... Read the Post

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