Martin live to air from Sound Academy (now Rebel) for My Birthday Bash concert.
Today is my friend Martin’s birthday and if he were still with us, today would have been his 54th birthday.
Martin Streek was an amazing guy! Loved by everyone who knew him and known for being one of the best in the radio biz. Martin and I used to work together at 102.1 The Edge and it was a blast. He was hilarious, smart and caring. He was never too good for people because he always saw himself on the same level as others. He loved his music which consisted of bands and artists like the Clash, NIN, Bob Marley, and Tool just to name a few. He had amazing tattoos including sushi on his chest and his mother’s signature over his heart. He also loved to show everyone his CFNY tattoo…on his ass ha ha. He only wore black, I don’t think he even owned anything that wasn’t black. His favorite holiday was Halloween and always had the best costumes ever that he would plan for months and not reveal until the day of. He loved fast cars and would make me shit my pants everytime I was in his Audi with him lol. He loved cats as if they were his kids and in a way they were. He introduced me to Doubles at Pat’s on Queen Street (by the way if you haven’t tried them you need to go for some and you can thank Martin for it later). If you ever wanted the perfect hard boiled egg Martin would have one ready for you and then go on about how he uses a Julia Child method that never fails. He loved to make people smile and laugh and was the biggest kid you’d ever met.

Martin and I backstage at the 2008 Casby Awards.
I miss my friend terribly and think of him all the time. I wish things were different and that he was still here with us but God knows that if I start thinking of the coulda, woulda, shoulda’s I’ll just drive myself mad. So instead of doing that I’m going to think of him, smile, be grateful for our time together and crank some Clash in his honour.
Happy Birthday Martino, hope you’re rockin out wherever you are ?.