Life is interesting! It can be awesome, crazy and even funny at times but it’s definitely not easy! It has it’s up and downs, highs and lows, good times and bad. One minute you can feel loved and surrounded by many and the next feel so alone and isolated.
I remember when I first became a Mamma, I can still remember that feeling of being lost and lonely. I went to the hospital as Pina…1 person, an individual and when I returned it was like someone else took over my body and mind, I was a completely different person. On top of it all, I had this little baby in my arms that I had to care for, a new life that depended on me. It wasn’t about me anymore but rather my baby girl and I needed to put her first. It was hard because although I had people around me I never felt more alone. I tried to turn to friends and family but when I couldn’t find the community and support I needed I decided to create my own.
It was December 2011 when the Chic Mammas facebook group was born. It started with about 20 or so friends who were all new Mammas. The group was and still is a place to share, laugh and cry. A place to turn to when the rest of the world seems to have checked out. I remember logging in at all hours of the night while I was up breastfeeding and would find so many others doing the exact same thing. It made me realize that I wasn’t as alone as I thought and the support and love from the Mammas was amazing. It was then that I realized what it was like to have a Mamma Tribe.

Just a few members of my tribe from left to right…Suzanne of Your Shop Girl, Miranda Malisani, Mairyln Smith and Denise of Bellz & Bunz
Fast forward almost 7 years and here we are stronger than ever! With an amazing online community of Mammas in the Chic Mammas facebook group and throughout the different Chic Mamma social media channels (Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest). Not to mention the awesome group of strong, inspiring and motivating Mammas in my personal and professional life like the ones I got to spend time with at the STRUT 2018 conference I was just at. It’s incredible when you actually stop to think about your tribe and the kick-ass people who are in it. To know that you can put up a post online, throw up an insta story or engage in a conversation with some friends and get an outpour of love and support without the ugly and nasty judgment.
As rewarding as Mammahood can be, it’s not always a walk in the park and it can also suck at times. Wanna know what else? You’re totally allowed to bitch about it if you want. At the end of the day, the thing that will help you through it is your tribe. Whether it’s your sisters and a few friends, maybe it’s a group of online friends you’ve never met or maybe it’s people that you work with. It’s all about finding that tribe and loving them hard. They will help you deal and cope. They will help you find yourself again, love yourself again and help you up when you don’t think you have the strength to get back up on your own.
I seriously don’t know what I would do without all of you who come here to read my blogs, the ones who join me in conversation in our Chic Mammas facebook group, the ones who watch me acting all crazy and stupid in my insta stories, the ones who take the time to DM me and the ones who when they see me face to face give me a hug because without saying a word they know that at that very moment that’s what I need. Thank you to each and every one of you. I don’t say it as often as I should but I truly love my Mamma Tribe and am so lucky to have you all in it.
If you’re a Mamma or Mamma-To-Be and are looking for a great community to join be sure to click here to check out the Chic Mammas facebook group and request to join.