

It's a PRINCE! Congratulations to Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge who are officially now parents :). Kate gave birth to her son at 4:24pm today (London time) in the private Lindo wing at St. Mary's Hospital in London which is the same hospital that Prince William was born at back in 1982. The Duchess was admitted to hospital this morning around 6am (London time) and after a not ... Read the Post

The Royal Baby is on the WAYYYYYY!

This is it everyone...the royal baby is on the way! Prince William and wife Kate are about to become parents :). This will be their first child and will be the third in line to the British throne (after soon to be grand father Prince Charles and daddy to be Prince William). The palace tweeted this morning just before 3am ET "Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to St. ... Read the Post

A Royal Baby is on the WAY!!!

It was announced today that the royal couple, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton are expecting their first child!!! Something that the world has been waiting for from the minute they got married. Typically royal babies tend to make their grand entrance within the first year of marriage which has had everyone on their toes as William and Kate got married back in April of 2011. "Their ... Read the Post

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