
Enough is ENOUGH!

Ready, set, GO...time to vent! I am so sick of hearing about innocent people including children losing their lives because of the morons in this world. It's a shame that some countries like the one south of us continues to believe that "guns don't kill people, people kill people", but seriously do they not see what's going on around them? I think it's time that the government really take a look ... Read the Post

The PERFECT Valentine’s Gift

For those of you that know me, then you know that I'm a huge Wee Piggies and Paws (Vaughan/South Richmond Hill) fan. I just can't stop talking about Angie (the owner who is awesome) and all the beautiful things they do. Well, we are a month away from Valentine's Day and I thought there is no better time than now to share with you a few of my favourite Wee Piggies items that would make perfect ... Read the Post

Your WAY is the RIGHT WAY!

Yummy Mummy Catherine posted this on her facebook wall this morning and I thought it would be perfect to share with all of you! Just remember that even though we are all mummies we all do things differently and it doesn't mean that one way is right and the other is wrong, we do what works for us and in the end what is best for our families. It's a nice friendly reminder especially if someone on ... Read the Post

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