Thanks, Ryan, you always know just what to say!
I don’t know about you but it’s just after 9pm and my head is about to explode. It’s also Saturday which means that I’ve been up with the kids since 7am and spent the whole day at dance with them (thank God that today was the last of classes). I’m exhausted, I’m drained, I just want them to listen and go to bed! As for dinner, I gave up on trying to get them to finish. Needless to say, I’m fuckin annoyed and ready to lose my shit.
I don’t know about you but I tried that whole calm parenting approach but these kids are shit heads and it doesn’t fly. It’s not like I want to scream and yell but fuck man! When you have to repeat yourself 10 million times and they still don’t listen it’s kind of hard not to raise your voice! The crappy part about all of this is that you never really hear parents talk publicaly about yelling or screaming at their kids so when you do it, you feel like the worst parent ever. You think you’re the only who does it and then beat yourself up about it and wonder ‘what the fuck is wrong with me?’ ‘Why can’t I pull my shit together like all the other parents on social media?’ First off don’t feel like shit about it because you’re not alone. Hello! Look at me over here and second, that parent who is so quick to judge you and seems picture-perfect is full of it. They may live a picture-perfect life on social media but that’s about it. There is no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect kid! So go ahead and judge me for screaming and yelling at my kids because number one I don’t care what people think of me and number two Ryan Gosling thinks I’m sexy lol!
Have a great Saturday night and pour yourself that glass of wine or grab a beer, you deserve it!
?? love It!
True right? LOL