Nutella, one of the greatest inventions of all times…well at least according to me 🙂 lol. I love Nutella and fell in love with it at a young age (thank you Mamma and Papa for introducing it to me) and have some wonderful and fond memories of growing up with it. I remember going to visit my grandparents in Italy and my Nonno Franco buying it for us. The deal was for us kids to eat it and then for my Nonno to add the glass beer jar it was packaged in to his collection.
As the years have past the popularity of Nutella has grown and now you see it everywhere not just in a jar on shelf in the grocery store. Tim Horton’s has a whole line Nutella products, Harvey’s has come out with a Nutella milkshake and a visit to the local grocery story bakery section will lead you to a whole world of a variety of different Nutella baked goods.
This love for Nutella has also brought out many Nutella connoisseurs and so the battle of Nutellas has begun…Italian Nutella VS. American Nutella. I must admit that I too have taken the taste test challenge in comparing the two and although the Italian import comes with a more expensive price tag I can taste the difference and think it’s the winner hands down!
Watch this and see others take the Nutella taste test challenge for themselves…God I love these Buzzfeed videos lol.
So which one of the two do you prefer? Can you taste the difference? Comment below and let us know what you think. Oh and one more thing…BON APPÉTIT 😉 .
Definitely Italian Nutella!! My husband and I had a conversation about this the other day! 🙂