Christmas is a week away and here in the Chic Mamma household we couldn't be more excited! Yesterday I posted about one of our family traditions, the Portable North Pole video message from Santa (which you should totally check out if you haven't yet) and so today I thought I'd share another one with you. I am talking about the ever so cool Norad Tracks Santa site! Basically this is a site is ... Read the Post
Getting ready to track Santa!
Have you made your FREE Santa video yet?

I love Christmas and everything that goes along with it, who doesn't? I also love traditions and one that I started with my first daughter was creating personalized Santa video messages for her from Portable North Pole. If you haven't had the chance to check it out yet you totally should. It's such a fun thing to do for the kiddies...ummmm well for us adults too haha. It's totally FREE and you can ... Read the Post
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