
It’s not just about having pretty painted nails, it’s about YOUR HEALTH!

I don’t know about you, but one thing I love is getting pampered and probably more than ever after becoming a mom. It doesn’t happen often these days so when it does I take full advantage and often head downtown to visit one of the LUX SPA locations. Not only do they give the BEST mani’s and pedi’s but the customer service is amazing and it is beyond clean…not something that can be said about many spa’s these days. With that said you could imagine how happy I was to hear that LUX SPA owner Cathy Crispo-Mancini has been asked by Toronto Public Health, to appear before the Board of Health Committee tomorrow at Toronto City Hall, to give reasons as to why the Beauty industry should be regulated.

There are far too many ‘chop shops’ that have opened and very few of them can actually say that they are clean. You may be paying next to nothing to get your nails done, but in the end, you will pay with your health.

Here’s what Cathy has to say about the topic…

“When it comes to nail salons, the last thing that people think about is the fact that they can actually get hepatitis, a fungus or blood disease along with their manicure or pedicure. The first thing that people think about is the price. Cheap is not necessarily better and all too often, those cheap dusty dirty places, with long wait times, mask-wearing-employees who work at record speed times, are certainly not the place to even set foot in to!

They are cheap for a reason and that’s because they fail to have your best interest; your health, in mind. They don’t clean, disinfect and sanitize their tools. They “share” implements and files with clients. You might be saying; “Well, I go to a place that has a box of tools just for me, so I know they’re clean!” Unfortunately, that’s not the case, if you already have a fungus, or you get cut with cuticle nippers, if they are not cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing your own tools after your services, once the tools go back in the box, the bacteria just continues to grow and on your next visit, they transfer it on to you all over again.

Please help to regulate the Beauty industry. Our goal is to ensure that every nail salon follows the same strict practices and procedures to clean, disinfect and sanitize all implements. We want the Beauty industry to be given “passes” and “fails” to be posted in the storefront windows, similar to that of restaurants. We want for the public to be able to go to a website and find out which establishments have passed inspection and which have failed inspection. This is such a simple process but we need to show the Board of Health that we care about our health! We also want beauty professionals to be licensed and tested every year.

Please sign this petition and help stop those dirty establishments from opening! Help close those dirty establishments!


Please show your support and sign this petition for the sake of your health!

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