Have you seen the cover of the May 21st issue of Time Magazine? Well let me tell ya, it’s got a lot of people talking! Haha! So many people are so upset by this image but I don’t see why. “Morning Joe” on MSNBC went as far are blurring out Jamie Lynn Grumet’s (the mother on the cover) breast…really? C’mon! I dunno it doesn’t bother me maybe because I’m a breast feeding mom or maybe because it’s natural or better yet maybe because each mother has a choice to do what she wants for her child and it’s none of my business and it doesn’t affect my life so I don’t care. Personally I think people need to GET OVER IT and focus their attention on other things!
Take a look…what do you think? Does it bother you? Are you upset by it? Or are you like me and not phased by it?
Post your comment below…
DR. SEARS ROCKS!! His philosophy is the best ever!! As for the picture, what is the big fuc$kn deal? As North Americans we are so flippin backwards when it comes to breastfeeding. The rest of the world gets it. Its not considered gross or indecent. In many third world countries babies survival is in large part because their mom’s breastfeed them…its the safest option when clean water and sanitation is not.
I agree with you both Pina and Jessica. I am totally not phased by it…maybe because I am a breastfeeding mama too. I think we have sexualized breasts in our society and that is why many people have an issue with the picture. Instead breasts should be seen as a great nutirtional source for our little ones!
that kid is only 3??? he looks like a 7 year old!!! That is the only thing I took from that picture. It’s a personal choice. It should end at that!