Yesterday I posted a blog about the Time Magazine cover with mother Jamie Lynne Grumet breast feeding her almost 4-year old son and basically wrote that I don’t see what the big deal is about it! I can’t seem to understand why people are losing their shit over it. This morning when I woke up, the social media outlets were flooded with even more talk about this cover and it kind of got to me so here I am, needing to vent. Ok, don’t get me wrong, I realize that the picture isn’t the most natural picture and no one breast feeds like that but c’mon don’t you see what they are trying to do? They want to create a buzz over it and get people talking and that’s exactly what they’ve done so kudos to the photographer and art director…you wanna sell magazine this is how you do it! But of course the world is filled with morons so they have their panties all in a bunch now saying “Oh My God…have you seen that?!, it’s so not real…that’s just wrong” and to them I laugh because they obviously don’t know how the world of business and money making works hahaha! So there! I got that off my breast feeding chest now but I’m not done yet! People are so up in arms about this…hell MSNBC blurred out Jamie Lynne Grumet’s breast on TV because OMG God forbid you see a bit of skin but wait! Let’s show movie stars on the red carpet with their boobs and asses hanging out…that’s ok. How is this any different? I’ll tell you…this mother breast feeding her child is something very natural…hell maybe you even did it as a child and the people on TV are trying to look SEXY. Now it seems as though people are confused and have taken the SEX part and are applying it to this photo and that to me, is the disgusting part…shame on you! I’ve always said that people are entitled to their own opinion and this mother is doing what she wants…good for you Jamie! Now this is where I’m stumped! How does a mother who chooses to breast feed her child of 2 months, a year or 4 years affect YOUR LIFE? It doesn’t right? You don’t like it, don’t look! I’m a breast feeding mom and my daughter is 10 months old. Will continue till she’s 3 or 4 years old? Probably not but that’s my choice and does it make me look at other mothers who do choose to breast feed their children who are older in a different light…why? Cuz what they do in their private life has no impact on mine.
So please do me a favour and do yourself a favour GET OVER IT and move on with your life. Seeing this picture and knowing that this mother is breast feeding her almost 4 year old son is not going to make or break your day, your year or even your life!
Are you with me or against me…leave a comment…you know I’m dying to respond HAHA!
With you all the way- not your business if you don’t like it. I have to see people wear shirts that are barely there with their asses hanging out of the back of their shorts but people are going to get all freaked out by my child eating her lunch? Boobs are meant for eating, not for being sexualized…. don’t like it, don’t look!
You know I’m with ya girl!!!!!! Agree 100%!!!!!!
Hahaha tell me about it Michelle!
with you all the way. I’m TIRED of all the debate. I just wrote to Metro Morning – they had an amazing piece on postpartum today…why can’t the media focus on THAT which actually help moms instead of isolating us into teams.
I have to say this cover cracks me up – tell me the kid won’t have it in his locker in 8 years…:)
My wife breastfed all 4 of our children… son until he was almost 3 yrs old. It’s a normal, natural occurrence that happens everyday, all around the world…..without fanfare. I think the sensationalism (see Time magazine and the mini-series “The Slap”) we are seeing on TV about breastfeeding and attachment parenting is doing alot of harm and creating a divide among moms when there shouldn’t be one.. They’re trying to make something totally normal and natural into some kind of activity unusual activity.