Finally after what seems like forever is up and running! I swear I’ll get this blog/Wordpress stuff figured out haha! I’m Pina aka YummyMummyTO and this is my blog!
What can I say about myself? Well, I’m a first time mom to a beautiful 9 month old little girl named Samantha, who I absoutely adore! I live in Toronto (which would explain the TO after YummyMummy) and I have a career in the media industry which I will be returning to in just a few short months. Like many new mom’s, I’m often wondering what the hell I’m doing and if in fact I’m actually crazy or on my way there haha!
Anyways…welcome to my blog! I hope that you will enjoy it and keep coming back…in the meantime I leave you with this!
Congratulations!! This is a fabulous tool for us mummies to share info and stick together!