
I’ll take the dream, for now!

You see, the funny thing about me and my dreams is that I can go long periods of time without remembering a single one, or I go through a period where they’re random, crazy, weird and cryptic that make zero sense at all. Those are the ones that I often wake up from and think…WTF was that about?!

I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a normal dream, a good dream, until yesterday morning. It was different; it wasn’t like any other dream I’ve ever had; it felt so real. It was beautiful, full of emotion and good emotions, the happy kind. It was by far the best dream I ever had; it was like a dream come true (well, kinda cuz it was still a dream and not real life). So, I held onto that feeling for as long as I could, and although I was sleeping, I knew what was going on. I had control of my body, so I tried to stay with it for as long as possible before opening my eyes and coming back to reality. When I finally did wake up, I realized that I had been crying. Tears of happiness because of what happened in my dream. My heart was full, and I was over the moon, but at the same time, I was a little sad because, more than anything, I wished it was real.

That dream did something to me, something that I can still feel today. It gave me hope just as I was starting to lose it, and it brought me peace, something that I have been lacking and longing for, for so long now, something that I haven’t had in a long time and wasn’t sure if I would ever find again.

For the first time in a long time, I was able to get some rest and sleep, which doesn’t often happen for me these days. It also confirmed and validated that I’m on the right track, and I need that right now because the self-doubt, second-guessing and overthinking have been in overdrive lately.

They say that we create our own reality, and if we want something bad enough, it will happen, and I have no doubt that this dream will one day become my reality, and it’s because of it my heart hurts a little less and feels a little lighter today.

This is one dream that I will definitely be holding onto and never forgetting.

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